Below you’ll find instructions for certain Teddy Talker products, as well as a few sample lessons taken from the Teach Together Toolkit! We hope this serves as a valuable resource to you, as well as a nice introduction to our kid-powered, multi-sensory product line!

Have any questions? Please feel free to contact us!


“The Teddy Talker® Visual Alphabet Printable

“The Teddy Talker® Cues Printable for lessons


For all downloads below, right click on the link and click “Save As”…

Teddy Talker “B.E.A.R.R. Track” Card Game


All lessons below are samples taken from the 300+ page Teddy Talker Teach Together Toolkit. To download, right click on the link and click “Save As”…

“Letter P” Demo Lesson

“Letter O” Demo Lesson

“Letter M” Demo Lesson

Assessment Demo